WSAA has recently announced the launch of the new Water Research Access Portal (WRAP). The WRAP...
The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) has recently released two new water products: The 7-day streamflow...
Mid-September, over 220 government, industry and research participants in the CRC for Water Sensitive...
Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville today announced the new make-up...
As the licensing authority and waterway manager for urban waterways within the Melbourne region,...
In May/June 2015, Clearwater sent out an online survey to collect industry feedback on (1) Drivers,...
Congratulations to the 2015 Stormwater Victoria Awards for Excellence Winners. Winners received...
City of Melbourne launched an exiting new website - the Urban Water website. It shares information...
Get ready to apply! Round three of the Living Rivers program will provide $2.86 million over this...
Thanks to our international and multi-lingual team here at Clearwater, we have recently discovered...