There are a number of defining characteristics for capacity building (eg. Alaerts et al 19912, UNDP 19983) however, all agree that:
Clearwater uses a model developed to define capacity in the Australian water context (Brown et al 20064), which illustrates the different aspects of capacity in four spheres:
1. Brown L, LaFond A and Macintyre K (2001) Measuring Capacity Building. University of North Carolina
2. Alaerts G, Blair T and Hartvelt F (ed) 1991. A Strategy for Water Sector Capacity Building, Proceedings of the UNDP Symposium, Delft, Netherlands, 3-5 June 1991.
3. United Nations Development Programme (1998) Capacity assessment and development; United Nations Development Programme:
4. Brown R, Mouritz M and Taylor A 2006. ‘Chapter 5: Institutional Capacity’, in T Wong (ed.), Australian Runoff Quality: A Guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design, Engineers Media, Crows Nest, NSW, pp. 5/1-5/20.