Clearwater is a leading capacity building program, recognised for its role in providing customer driven programs that equip the water industry with the skills, knowledge and networks to drive the implementation of Integrated Water Management (IWM) practices.

Our partnerships

Our program is currently hosted and co-funded by Melbourne Water and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

Our partnerships promote industry sharing and collaboration. We have valuable connections with local, state and federal government bodies, research institutions and commercial organisations. These partnerships enable us to bring the latest technical and scientific knowledge, behavioural research and policy development from the forefront of sustainable urban water management thinking.

Clearwater engages a wide range of audiences such as Local Government, State Government, consultants, water athorities, universities and research centres etc. This includes engineers, planners, landscape architects, environment / WSUD officers, educators, Councillors, researchers and water industry executives.

We have over 2,300 members subscribed to receive Clearwater updates and our monthly e-newsletter.

Subscribe now to keep up with the latest training, industry news, case studies, guidelines and much more.


Program history

Clearwater was established in 2002 as part of the Victorian Stormwater Action Program. Clearwater was initially funded by EPA Victoria, Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and the Stormwater Industry Association of Victoria (SIAV). The program was created for the purpose of building capacity of local government and industry professionals in best practice stormwater management.  

Melbourne Water became a major funding partner and host of the program in 2006 and additional special funding has been provided from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (previously DSE and DELWP), Municipal Association of Victoria and Environment Protection Authority.

The program was recognised at the 2015 United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) World Environment Day awards.