This guide supports the civil construction, building and demolition industries to eliminate or reduce the risk of harm to human health and the environment through good environmental practice. New environment protection laws in Victoria will require all businesses to take proactive steps to manage risks of harm from pollution and waste.
This guide replaces the following publications:
Sections of the Guide relevant to reduction in stormwater pollution management are
Chapter 3: Managing environmental risk to meet your general environmental duty
Chapter 5: Erosion, sediment and dust controls to minimise soil erosion, the generation and transport of sediment and the generation and transport of dust.
Chapter 6: Contaminated land and groundwater controls to manage, the identification and presence of existing contaminated land and groundwater, potentially contaminated stormwater andpotentially contaminated groundwater during dewatering.
Chapter 8: Waste Minimising waste using the waste hierarchy , managing different types of waste , storing waste materials onsite , waste collection, transport and disposal , maintaining waste records and reducing illegal dumping.