Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, 

2020 has had a difficult start and we want to acknowledge the profound impacts of fire on communities, eco-systems, native flora and fauna and water quality. If you want a deeper understanding on how bushfire impacts drinking water quality we encourage you to look at Water Research Australia factsheet in our resources below.

We have a full calendar of training and events in the next few months but before you dive in, we would like to invite you to take 10mins to complete the Clearwater Annual Stakeholder Survey and go in the draw to win one of three $100 Biome EcoStore Vouchers.

Upcoming Clearwater events: Lots of new events listed. Don't miss out - secure your place today! 

News and resources highlights: View further news and resource items below 

For regular updates and news, follow us on LinkedIn, and visit our website for further information about our upcoming events and online resources. Click on this link for current opportunities to engage in our work.

training and events
Water Drinks
24 February 2020
Where: Boatbuilders Yard

Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria host a tri-annual networking event for practitioners involved in stormwater management and...

Alma Park Stormwater Harvesting Site Visit
17 March 2020
Where: Alma Park

Overview: Join Alastair Mcharg (Senior Project Manager), the Melbourne Water Living Rivers program and Clearwater to visit the...

Introduction to Integrated Water Management Training
24 March 2020
Where: Monash Conference Centre

Overview:   Clearwater is excited to partner with the International WaterCentre (IWC) to deliver introduction to integrated...

Introduction to WSUD principles & technologies
02 April 2020
Where: University of Melbourne - Burnley Campus

Note: This course was previously called 'WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices' Overview:   This...

Recipients announced for 2020 Clearwater Water Leader Scholarships
20 January 2020

Clearwater is excited to announce our 2020 Clearwater Water Leader Scholarship recipients. Our two emerging water leaders from...

Complete the Clearwater Annual Survey for a chance to WIN $100 voucher
13 January 2020

Can we have 10 minutes of your time? Take our quick survey by 7 February 2020 and you’ll go in the draw to win one of three...

Melbourne Urban Stormwater Institutional Arrangements Review (MUSIA)
09 January 2020

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is reviewing the arrangements between Melbourne Water and local...

Stormwater Vic Award Winners 2019
10 December 2019

Congratulations to the 2019 Stormwater Victoria Awards for Excellence Winners. Winners received their awards at a Gala Water...

Make Every Drop Count - Target 155
06 December 2019

With drier conditions and a growing population, the need for Melburnians to use water more efficiently is...

EPBC Act review - have your say
26 November 2019

The statutory review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) commenced...

Factsheets And Tools: Outcomes of the Clearwater prioritisation of our services process
23 January 2020

In mid-2018, Clearwater reviewed and clarified its purpose, value proposition, strategic alignment and key stakeholders. At completion...

Factsheets And Tools: Melbourne Water stormwater offset contribution calculator
22 January 2020

Melbourne Water has recently updated its stormwater contribution calculator and application form to accommodate changes to the...

Factsheets And Tools: Water Research Australia factsheet on Bushfires and the Risks to Drinking Water Quality
15 January 2020

Water Research Australia (WaterRA) produces regular factsheets on a range of topics that are relevant to the industry,...

Guidelines And Strategy: Melbourne Water Constructed Waterway Design Manual
17 December 2019

Melbourne Water’s new Constructed Waterways Design Manual is aimed at facilitating the consistent delivery of best practice...

Papers And Presentations: All options on the table: lessons from the journeys of others
17 October 2019

This WSAA report published in October 2019 provides insights and perspectives regarding community engagement on purified recycled...

Publications And Reports: Blue + Green = Liveability
16 October 2019

The Water Services Association of Australia's (WSAA) recent publication Blue + Green = Liveability promotes planning for...

Factsheets And Tools: Managing Victoria's Water Resources - How Much Water?
18 September 2019

The Victorian Government has prepared accessible and easy to use resources to help Victorians understand how the government manages...

Papers And Presentations: Victorian Water and Climate Initiative
30 August 2019

This AWA podcast on the Victorian Water and Climate Initiative interviews Anna May and Geoff Steeden from the Victorian...

industry events
Internet of Things - Build your Arduino stormwater sensor system

29 January 2020

Monash University Clayton

Understanding water values in Indigenous Australia

05 February 2020


Real time control and monitoring of Water systems – all sources, types and purposes

06 February 2020

South East Water, 101 Wells St, Frankston

AWA VIC Regional Conference 2020

21 February 2020


2020 Young Water Professionals Conference

12 March 2020



05 May 2020

Adelaide Convention Centre

2020 Stormwater National Conference

17 June 2020

Crown Promenade

International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD) 2020

06 September 2020


Linkedin Clearwater

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711 |

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Victoria State Government Melbourne Water