Melbourne Water in collaboration with the City of Port Phillip have launched an easy-to-follow...
The City of Melbourne is initiating a $300 million "Greenline" project which plans to create a four-kilometre...
During the recent NSW floods, maps indicating flooded areas were rapidly developed in a 24-hour...
A trial of a new fungi-based floating wetland treatment system is underway and will be on display...
The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ term ends on 30 June 2021. Over the past 9 years, the...
Clearwater and DELWP launched the Online Navigator Tool Resource Portal for Victoria’s stormwater...
The Port Phillip Coast Hazard Assessment project, conducted by CSIRO’s...
A recent article in Australian Government News article recommends 6 key steps for adopting strategic...
In a world where so many of our natural places are degrading it is hopeful to hear of a water catchment...
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Vic Environment Committee recently...