Roofwater Harvesting Evaluation Toolkit


Wannon Water have developed an evaluation toolkit as part of the Regional Roof Harvesting Project in Warrnambool, Victoria. The Toolkit is designed to assist water supply planners in assessing the financial viability of roof water harvesting systems in regional Australia and allow quick comparisons with other potential water supply sources.

The toolkit will allow you to estimate the capital and operating costs associated with the construction and operation and estimate the volume of water harvested by the system annually. The Toolkit then calculates the net present cost (NPC) per Megalitre. The cost/ML can then be compared with other water supply options being considered to service the growth in demand. The program has been made flexible to allow for any existing infrastructure to be considered and new supply sources to be integrated.

The toolkit is available on CD and contains

  • Animation of the concept
  • Installation of supporting software to run the Toolkit
  • The Toolkit program
  • Report on towns where principle could be applied
  • The Case Study site - Risk Assessment

To obtain a copy of the CD please contact Peter Wilson from Wannon Water.


Supporting documents:
Wannon Water - Toolkit article
Wannon Water - Rainwater toolkit brochure  

Related Resource:
Case Study - Roof Water Harvesting Project

Related Weblink:
Wannon Water website