STOP HERE - this Clause does not apply
Clause 56.07-4 does not apply in this instance. However, there are mulitiple benefits of implementing Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) on your site. WSUD systems such as raingardens, swales and rainwater tanks can allow you to sustainly manage stormwater run off on your site, provide water for re-use and improve the quality, and reduce the quantity of stormwater run-off entering our urban waterways.
Below are links to more information to assist you in implementing WSUD on your site:
- To help you determine how WSUD can be integrated into your development, you can review the Fact Sheets that are part of the C56 Tool.
- To assist further in assessment of your planning application, refer to the STEPS Tool. The STEPS Tool is used to assess residential planning applications, and sets clear environmental performance targets. There is a specific stormwater management section within the STEPS Tool and explantory documents.
- For the assessment of WSUD systems at the lot scale developments you can also access Melbourne Water'sSTORM calculator tool. Results of the STORM assessment can be submitted to statutory authorities along with development applications.
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