Onsite treatment required

You have either responded that the application is not located in a Melbourne Water development services scheme or the scheme does not include Stormwater Quality charges.

In order to satisfy the requirements of Clause 56.07-4 you must treat onsite stormwater to achieve the BPEMG targets. When designing stormwater management systems we advise you liaise with your local council at the pre-development stage. Each Council may have locally specific Water Sensitive Urban Design policies that set out particular preferences for different systems.

To assist in the design of your development click to download the following:

Fact Sheet – 100% Onsite Treatment

This Fact Sheet is designed to provide advice on the design considerations for meeting the provisions in Clause 56.07-4 at different scales of development i.e. lot scale, neighbourhood scale and precinct scale. This fact sheet should be read in conjunction with guidance documents in the Related Resources (precinct scale treatment) and other Fact Sheets (lot scale treatment) and relevant local council policies. 

Having reviewed the fact sheet, what if on-site treatment is not possible?