City of Port Phillip: Targeted maintenance for streetscape WSUD assets

City of Port Phillip


In 2014 the City of Port Phillip, in partnership with E2DesignLab and Melbourne Water (Living Rivers funding), undertook a ‘Review of Street Scale WSUD’ in order to improve the proactive management of their WSUD assets (see note below).

This report constitutes one of the outputs of this review, and provides targeted advice on how to undertake typical maintenance activities for street scale WSUD assets in the City of Port Phillip.

The report details how two key areas of maintenance were identified in the review process: (1) planned maintenance tasks, and (2) corrective maintenance / rectification works.

Planned maintenance tasks are generally predictable and can be undertaken within a planned timeline or framework of annual maintenance, whilst corrective maintenance tasks are recommended for assets where some of the key features need to be reconfigured to reinstate the function of the asset. When designed, constructed and functioning appropriately, only planned maintenance should be required.

The report includes information about regular inspection procedures (including timing) and maintenance tasks, but also identifies a range of scenarios where corrective maintenance is required. These scenarios are matched with likely causes and suggestions for mitigation measures.