Hot Topics: IWM - Clause 56.07 and beyond



On Friday 16 November 2012, Clearwater delivered the first Hot Topics event for 2012 in partnership with Melbourne Water, the Office of Living Victoria (OLV), the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD).

The workshop provided participants with an opportunity to hear from State Government representatives and to provide input into the discussion around how Clause 56.07-4 is currently being implemented and how any extension of the clause to other zones could be approached. 

The event attracted 70 people from 20 different organisations including state government, local government, water authorities and consultancies.  Great discussion points and knowledge sharing opportunities were generated through a mix of interactive activities including facilitated table discussions and expert presentations.

Key findings from discussion sessions were summarised after the workshop, and can be downloaded here.

Expert presentations on the day included: 

  • Living Victoria - Emma Bishop from OLV provided an overview of the Living Melbourne, Living Victoria initiative and the role of the Office of Living Victoria in the proposed broadening of the Clause (presentation not available).
  • Water smart cities and settlements - Peter Durkin from DPCD presented on the role of land use planning in supporting integrated water management. The subsequent panel session included representatives from DSE and OLV.
  • Coburg Hill - a case study into the successful application of Clause 56.07-4 within a residential subdivision in Coburg. The presentation included four perspectives presented by Con Gantonas - Melbourne Water, Vaughan Grey - Moreland City Council, Leigh Holmes - Spiire Australia, and Guy Williamson - Satterley Property Group.