As part of the City of Melbourne’s Green Our City Strategic Action Plan 2017 - 2021, the Valuing Green Guide report on green roofs, walls and facades was developed.
It summarises the literature review and gap analysis, Quantifying the Benefits of Green Infrastructure by Victoria University and University of Melbourne, on behalf of City of Melbourne. The Valuing Green Guide looks at the existing research on green roofs, walls and facades and their impact on:
Most places around the world where green roofs, walls and façades are common are either cool, temperate climates such as in Europe and North America, or moist tropical and subtropical climates like Singapore, Hong Kong and Osaka. The big question is “how do those benefits transfer to a city with an increasingly variable climate like Melbourne?”. Under climate change, the city has already become drier and hotter and is likely to become more so in future. Can green on grey infrastructure help make the city more liveable and make economic sense at the same time?
By understanding how green roofs, walls and façades can complement new and existing buildings and encouraging greater green infrastructure development, we can create a stream of public benefits for the community.
The Valuing Green Guide and Quantifying the Benefits of Green Infrastructure provide an important foundation for how we understand the impact of green roofs, walls and facades in our city and how we can best prepare for a sustainable, healthy and thriving future in the City of Melbourne.
To download the guide and for more information, visit the City of Melbourne website.