Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks (Phase 1)

Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council,Environment Protection and Heritage Council / National Health and Medical Research Council


This document forms the foundations for Phase 1 of the Water Recycling guidelines. Phase 2 documents provide detail on differnt areas of water recycling including Managed Aquifer and Recharge, Stomrwater Harvest and Reuse and augmentation of Drinking Water Supplies.

These national guidelines were developed under the auspices of the National Water Quality Management Strategy (NWQMS), to provide guidance on best practices for water recycling.They are not prescriptive and do not represent mandatory standards, but are designed to provide an authoritative reference that can be used to support beneficial and sustainable recycling.

The guidelines are intended to be used by anyone involved in the supply, use and regulation of recycled water schemes, including government and local government agencies, regulatory agencies, health and environment agencies, operators of water and wastewater schemes, water suppliers, consultants, industry, private developers, body corporates and property managers.