The WSUD typical drawings illustrate the key features of the treatment system, giving typical dimensions and specifications, but also showing where variation is possible. Councils can vary the drawings to suit their own needs.
The WSUD Typical Drawings were developed by the Sydney Metropolitan CMA in partnership with Blacktown City Council and the Stormwater Industry Association of New South Wales to represent typical WSUD treatment systems.
The purpose of the drawings is to provide design guidance on key details; however they are not a stand-alone design resource and should be read in conjunction with other designated design guidelines.
The document includes the following and are are intended for a technical audience (eg. Civil/Environmental Engineers and other design professionals):
>Bioretention System - Flat Site;
>Bioretention System - Steep Site;
>Bioretention System - Footpath;
>Bioretention System - Roadway;
>Bioretention Details;
>Bioretention Guideline Specifications;
>Swale - Flat Site;
>Swale - Steep Site;
>Swales - Details.