Stormwater Shephards: Community Education Resources


Stormwater Shepherds is an Australina based not-for-profit organisation committed to restoring the health of waterways. Stormwater Shepherds work through stakeholder action, education and advocacy.

The  Stormwater Shepherd's website has community accessible information on the impact of stormwater on our waterways and has educational information on the different types of pollutants (organic matter, car emissions, tyre rubber, sediment, plastic pollution and chemicals). The website also offers suggestions on how citizens can be involved in advocating for stormwater and actions they can take in their own lives to reduce stormwater pollution and plastic usage.

Community education on Stormwater is an essential part of achieving the stormwater, WSUD and IWM outcomes we are all working towards. Local councils can share this site and the resources with their community to build stormwater literacy and citizen particiption.