Urban WaterGuide – Building sustainable and resilient cities


 The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities worked with the Australian Water Partnership and the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney to develop the Urban WaterGuide. Urban water practitioners can use the guide to navigate these challenges and put integrated water management into practice.

The Guide outlines 5 steps that provide practical guidance on how to successfully implement more integrated urban water management. It shows how to do this inclusively, using an inclusion lens of gender equality, disability, Indigenous and social inclusion (GEDSI).

The UrbanWaterGuide comprises five steps

  1. Set a vision for the city and articulate water’s role in this vision
  2. Develop a total water cycle strategy to solve complex challenges
  3. Co-design project-level solutions that perform multiple functions
  4. Build support to deliver and evolve integrated solutions
  5. Establish an enabling environment

Find out more about the guide by watching this short clip