Healthy Waterways Strategy 2018-2028

Clearwater / Victorian Government


Healthy and valued waterways are integrated with the broader landscape, and enhance life and liveability. Waterways connect diverse and thriving communities of plants and animals; provide amenity to urban and rural areas, and engage communities with their environment; and are managed sustainably to enhance environmental, economic, social and cultural values.

The strategy brings together scientific and stakeholder knowledge in a single, comprehensive framework for the region’s five major catchments: Werribee, Maribyrnong, Yarra, Dandenong and Westernport.  This Strategy is intended for use by a wide range of people and organisations directly involved in waterway management, or involved in land use planning or activities that can affect waterway condition. The users of this Strategy should include:

  • State Government
  • Local Government
  • Melbourne Water
  • Melbourne's retail water companies, Southern Rural Water and regional urban water corporations
  • Parks Victoria
  • Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA)
  • VicRoads and other transport and infrastructure agencies
  • management partners, regional agencies and authorities
  • Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians
  • developers, landholders and farmers
  • environmental, recreation and other community groups

Check out the links to learn more.