
events & news

Enabling the
transition to Water
Sensitive Cities

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,
Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

In this edition, there are opportunities to provide feedback and input into:

Green roofs and walls are taking off with the launch of Australia's largest green roof research project and a new website for mapping green roofs, walls and urban agriculture sites.

Two new stormwater harvesting cases studies: Grant Street and the Royal Botanic Gardens were two sites visited on the recent WSUD City Tours designed for the Victorian Flood Conference.

Hot off the press in this month's Australian Water Management Review publication, is our article titled, Building capacity for Integrated Water Management - an industry perspective.

And lastly, a big thank you to everyone who completed our website evaluation survey.  Responses are being collated and winners will be notified shortly.
training and events
Wednesday 1 MayWSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices
Wednesday 5 JuneStormwater Harvesting: Concept & Design
 Upcoming industry events
12 MarchHave your say in planning Melbourne's future
6 MarchReview of the public health regulatory framework for alternative water supplies in Victoria
6 MarchGlobal green roof and wall map
6 MarchAustralia's largest green roof research and outreach project launched
1 MarchNew planning approach for stream protection - Yarra Ranges Shire pilot
5 March 2013Article: Building capacity for Integrated Water Management - an industry perspective
4 March 2013Case study: Grant Street Reserve
28 February 2013Case study: Royal Botanic Gardens - Working Wetlands
training and events
WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices
Wednesday 1 May 2013

This one day training course will introduce you to the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and water sensitive cities, focusing on the WSUD approach to stormwater management. The session will cover the principles of stormwater management, focusing on how to set targets to allow for water conservation as well as flow and water quality management. It will emphasise basic principles of water quality treatment and flow management to guide selection and design of treatment systems. Design considerations, treatment performance and operation and maintenance will be discussed for a wide range of treatment systems.

Click here for more information or to register now
Stormwater Harvesting: Concept & Design
Wednesday 5 June 2013

This one day training course, developed in partnership with Monash Water for Liveability, will introduce you with the concepts required to design an effective stormwater harvesting project. The workshop will feature insights into stormwater harvesting guidelines, latest research on the performance of stormwater treatment technologies, conceptual design and costs associated with stormwater harvesting systems. The course will include practical design exercises to develop the conceptual design of a stormwater harvesting system for a (i) greenfield and (ii) retrofit situation.

Click here for more information or to register now
industry events
Thursday 14 MarchWater Property Rights: How can they support a transition to Water Sensitive Cities?
Tuesday 7 May -
Wednesday 8 May
Stormwater Victoria Conference - Liveability, Reslience and Prosperity
Monday 23 September -
Thursday 26 September
16th International Riversymposium - abstracts close 22 March
Monday 28 October -
Wednesday 30 October
Thriving Neighbourhoods Conference
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