Enabling the
transition to Water Sensitive Cities
news & events
Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,
Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.
training and events
Thursday 31 March
Treating Stormwater For Food CropsTuesday 19 April
Stormwater Harvest and ReuseTuesday 3 May
WSUD Tour - Stonnington & Port PhillipTuesday 17 May
Raingardens EssentialsWednesday & Thursday 8-9 June
Music - Stormwater Modelling for WSUDnews
Smart Water Fund launches Open Innovation Stream fundingUrban stormwater and aquifer recharge projectFlood Resilience: Lessons from the Netherlands. Presentation availableCSIRO rainwater tank surveytraining and events

Thursday 31st March 2011 Join the Monash University research team from the Centre For Water Sensitive Cities to hear about the Smart Water Fund research project comparing new technologies for mitigating the risk of stormwater reuse for food growing.
Click here for more information or to register now 
Tuesday 19th April 2011 This workshop will introduce key steps to consider when scoping a sustainable water project integrating stormwater harvesting and water reuse. You will follow a stormwater harvest and reuse case study to highlight the considerations for water demand, supply, storage, treatment and project evaluation. Interactive activities will focus on tools for calculating yields, storage needs and irrigation schedules. Relevant legislation, guidelines and risk assessment procedures for stormwater and waste water reuse use are also covered.
Click here for more information or to register now 
Tuesday 3rd May 2011 Clearwater’s latest tour highlights an array of WSUD stormwater treatment measures and harvesting systems across the City of Stonnington & Port Phillip. Council experts and design consultants will be onsite to provide insights into the development and management of each project, discussing challenges, learnings and outcomes from concept to completion.
Click here for more information or to register now 
Tuesday 17th May 2011 This popular workshop provides practical guidance on the design and construction of raingardens and biofilters. The workshop covers site analysis, design, materials selection, construction and maintenance to ensure project success. Practical class exercises give participants a deeper understanding of best practice design and effective project management. Discussion throughout the day encourages participants to share knowledge and experience across disciplines.
Click here for more information or to register now 
Wednesday the 8th of June 2011 Clearwater, in partnership with eWater, delivers training for the latest version of music software. Music (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) can assist you in planning, simulating and evaluating on site stormwater treatment measures and water sensitive urban design. This training is available over two days with the option for more experienced users to join the second day only.
Click here for more information or to register now news

March 04, 2011
The Smart Water Fund has released the first Open Innovation Stream funding offer under its new Strategic Plan. Funding is available to undertake innovative projects that deliver knowledge, products or solutions that contribute to sustainable urban water management.
The Fund seeks Expressions of Interest from businesses, research institutions and consultants that address a specific industry need and deliver tangible returns in water savings, cost savings or improved sustainability outcomes.
Click for full story... 
March 02, 2011
A new three-year research project has been undertaken by the CSIRO, focussing on assessing stormwater and managed aquifer recharge options. This research funded through the National Water Commission and the South Australian government aims to advance the use of storm water as an additional water supply source by developing a national science based approach for assessing sto
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March 02, 2011
The Centre for Water Sensitive Cities in conjunction with Clearwater delivered the first special speakers seminar, 'Flood Reslience: Lessons from the Netherlands' on February 15th 2011. For those who missed out, the presentation from this event is now available on the Centre for Water Sensitive Cities website.
Click for full story... 
March 09, 2011
CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency undertaking research to help tackle many national social, economic and environmental challenges. Within CSIRO, the Water for a Healthy Country Flagship is working with governments, industries and communities to develop the knowledge needed to substantially improve the way we use and manage water. Currently, we are undertaking a survey on the topic of governance of rainwater tanks.
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