
Event update 

Enabling the
transition to Water
Sensitive Cities

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,
Welcome to the latest event update from the Clearwater team. We have a number of upcoming Clearwater training courses and industry key dates to share. Visit our training page for a full listing.
On requestTailored training and workshops 
Tuesday 6 AugustRaingardens Essentials
Thursday 26 SeptemberWSUD Retrofit Tour - Stonnington & Port Phillip
Wednesday 30 OctoberWSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices
Thursday 14 NovemberIWM City Tour
Tuesday 16 July onwardsUpcoming industry events
Clearwater training and events
Tailored training and workshops - on request

Clearwater offers a number of tailored events that underpin the principles of sustainable urban water management and are designed to specifically meet the individual needs of your organisation. Workshops include: Understanding Water Sensitive Cities for Council, Maintenance of Street-scale WSUD Assets, Maintenance of Wetlands and other specialised training and workshops.

Click here for more information or to register now
Raingardens Essentials
Tuesday 6 August 2013

This popular workshop provides practical guidance on the design and construction of raingardens and biofilters. The workshop covers site analysis, design, materials selection, construction and maintenance to ensure project success. Practical class exercises give participants a deeper understanding of best practice design and effective project management.

Click here for more information or to register now
WSUD Retrofit Tour - Stonnington & Port Phillip
Thursday 26 September 2013

The tour highlights an array of WSUD stormwater treatment measures and harvesting systems across the City of Stonnington & Port Phillip. Council experts and design consultants will be onsite to provide insights into the development and management of each project, discussing challenges, learnings and outcomes from concept to completion.

Click here for more information or to register now
WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices
Wednesday 30 October 2013

This one day training course will introduce you to the concepts of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and water sensitive cities, focusing on the WSUD approach to stormwater management.

Click here for more information or to register now
IWM City Tour
Thursday 14 November 2013

Join Clearwater and the City of Melbourne on this new tour which features an impressive variety of (mostly retrofit) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Integrated Water Management (IWM) project sites throughout the Melbourne CBD.

Click here for more information or to register now
industry events
Tuesday 16 JulyImplementing Liveability - Integration of Water and Planning
Wednesday 17 JulyStormwater Coming Clean
Tuesday 23 JulyWaste to Resource Free Seminar
Tuesday 23 JulyStormwater Victoria Mini Seminar: Concrete versus Plastic
Monday 5 August -
Thursday 15 August
OLV: Community Consultation Forums
Thursday 5 SeptemberStormwater Victoria Excellence Awards - Submissions open
Thursday 12 September -
Friday 13 September
VicWater Annual Conference
Monday 23 September -
Thursday 26 September
16th International Riversymposium
Tuesday 22 OctoberAWA 2013 Victorian Water Summit: Living Smart
Monday 28 October -
Wednesday 30 October
Thriving Neighbourhoods Conference
Monday 25 November -
Friday 29 November
8th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design - call for abstracts!
Tuesday 29 April -
Thursday 1 May
OzWater 2014 - call for papers
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