Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, 

Clearwater is committed to continuity of capacity building through training, events and provision of quality online resources in the current environment.

We are excited to announce an upcoming training opportunity to help you Understand and apply Victorian Stormwater Planning Requirements. Planners and engineers will find this training highly valuable to understand the role and scope of the new state-wide controls, and how to process and assess applications in a way that best achieves the new stormwater objectives.

Training and Events: New online events listed. Don't miss out - secure your place today! 

News and Resource highlights: View further news and resource items below

For regular updates and news, follow us on LinkedIn, and visit our website for further information about our upcoming events and online resources. 

training and events
Understanding and applying Victoria's stormwater planning requirements
28 October 2020
Where: Online - Zoom

Context The Victorian Government expanded statewide stormwater planning controls in October 2018 to help protect our waterways,...

Melbourne Airport Scheme: Lessons learnt 5 years on
10 November 2020
Where: Online - Zoom

Overview: Join Leigh Holmes from Spiire Consulting and Clearwater for an online site visit to Melbourne Airport IWM project. The...

Construction Hold Points Training - Bio-retention Systems & Wetlands :November 2020 (TBC)

Where: Online - Zoom

Overview:   Are you responsible for inspecting construction milestones for WSUD assets? Do you want to learn tips on...

Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways- Melbourne Water's new incentive program
29 September 2020

Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways. Together with Melbourne Water.  Melbourne Water is excited to share with you our...

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ launches TARGET module to integrate with WSC Scenario Tool
22 September 2020

The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities’ have offically launched a beta version of WSC Scenario Tool now integrated with the...

Australian Disaster Resilience Index: A tool for resilience planning
08 September 2020

The the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and the University of New England have developed an Australian Disaster Resilience index...

Yarra Valley Water Recycling Plant to provide 2.5 million litres of water weekly
08 September 2020

Yarra Valley Water is moving into a detailed design phase with the Doncaster Hill Water Recycling project.  The water recycling...

Recent changes in Victorian rainfall and runoff
27 July 2020

At the University of Melbourne’s June Seminar (Water Security Series) panelists discussed ‘Recent changes in Victorian...

New research uses electricity to clean up toxic water
13 July 2020

Researchers from the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Sydney have developed an electrochemical...

Guidelines And Strategy: Melbourne Water Biofiltration Guidelines for Development Services Schemes
24 September 2020

These technical guidelines for developers provide information on the application, design, construction and establishment...

Video Gallery: Talking Water (Kwatja Ngkama) | Central Australia
15 September 2020

The Australian Water Association (AWA), in partnership with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA), has created the...

Guidelines And Strategy: Community Engagement for Disaster Resilience handbook
25 August 2020

This Handbook is a disaster resilience decision guide for policy makers across federate, state and local government, private and...

Publications And Reports: CRCWSC: A review of existing funding models, economic regulatory frameworks, policies and mechanisms for WSUD
11 August 2020

This report explores if funding models, economic regulatory frameworks, policies and mechanisms  funding and financing issues...

Case Study: Salt Torquay Estate
26 February 2020

Barwon Water identified that the highest realisation value for the redundant 5.4ha Torquay water basin site would be achieved...

Papers And Presentations: Transpiration by established trees could increase the efficiency of stormwater control measures
07 February 2020

This research paper was published in Water Research Volume 173 by authors from School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, The...

industry events
National Water Week

19 October 2020


Four Key Leadership Takeaway Messages SV Webinar

22 October 2020


Stormwater Victoria International Keynote Showcase Series

05 November 2020


Live Course: Sediment Transport Modelling

10 November 2020

Online training

Launch: Transitioning the water industry with the circular economy

13 October 2020


STORMWATER 2021 National Conference: New Frontiers for Stormwater

14 April 2021

Crown Promenade

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990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711 |

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Victoria State Government Melbourne Water