Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, Welcome to our Clearwater update. Aquarevo speakers announced We're excited to announce the presenters for Aquarevo next Wednesday 20 September. You'll hear from: - Terry Dalgleish, South East Water will provide an overview of initiatives, drivers of innovation and collaboration.
- Ross Allen, Ross Allen Consulting (previously CRC for Water Sensitive Cities) will take you through the research synthesis and application.
- Meg Caffin, Urban Forest Consulting will discuss urban forests from strategy through to implementation.
- Kim Markwell, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities will share insights about the Aquarevo Case Study.
Register now for your chance to visit the Aquarevo Discovery Centre and learn about the cutting-edge technology and research behind this innovative water smart development! IWC scholarships reminder A reminder that Clearwater is offering five scholarships for the International WaterCentre's 'Water Leadership Program'. Get those applications in, submissions close 30 September. Our new web address - Clearwater has a new website address: We will be moving to this new address over the coming months. Our existing web address will continue to remain active, so you will always know where to find us.