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Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to Clearwater's Spring newsletter!

We launch into Spring by offering a number of public training and event programs:

  • Introduction to WSUD Principles and Technologies: There are only 3 places left for Thursday’s delivery. Registrations close tomorrow so you must be quick!
  • Melbourne Water Stormwater Harvesting Guidelines Seminar: We are partnering up with Melbourne Water next month to deliver a new session on their stormwater harvesting guidelines. This is a free seminar and places are limited!
  • Water Drinks: Join us for the next evening of informal networking. The Water Drinks are proving to be very popular and are a great and entertaining way to build your knowledge and networks across the industry.

Two new interesting reports you can freely download from our resource library include;

  • A Water Efficiency Research Summary produced by the Smart Water Fund; and
  • A Melbourne Water Issues Paper which provides a summary of current and emerging science on the ecological impacts of urbanisation on waterway.

If you are interested in receiving funding for a project that focusses on protecting our waterways and bays through improved stormwater management? Then you should know that the Melbourne Water Living Rivers Program has just announced a new funding round.

Finally, with the anticipated final release of the Water for Victoria Plan approaching, make sure you keep an eye out for our next Clearwater update. We will provide more information on the Plan and what it means for the water industry. Watch this space!

training and events
Introduction to WSUD Principles and Technologies
22 September 2016
Where: University of Melbourne - Burnley Campus

Note: This course was previously called 'WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices' Overview: This one day training...

Melbourne Water Stormwater Harvesting Guidelines Seminar
06 October 2016
Where: Melbourne Water

Overview: The Melbourne Water Stormwater Harvesting guidelines are designed to provide applicants and practitioners with guidance...

Water Drinks
27 October 2016
Where: The Waterside Hotel

Stormwater Victoria and Clearwater will be hosting a series of networking events in 2016 for practitioners involved in stormwater...

Knox Integrated Water Management Tour
10 November 2016
Where: Boronia : meeting location will be confirmed on registration.

Overview: Join Clearwater and Knox Council to experience a truly integrated approach to stormwater management. You will see...

Maintenance of WSUD Assets Technical Training Packages

Where: Event held in-house

Clearwater’s in-house training provides organisations with an interactive learning experience. Our trainers are experts...

New round of funding announced by Melbourne Water Living Rivers Program
06 September 2016

Melbourne Water’s Living Rivers Program provides funding, expertise and guidance to build understanding, skills and commitment...

National Water Week 2016: Water-Life-Growth
19 September 2016

National Water Week will be held from 17 until 21 of October. This week-long celebration is filled with programs and activities...

Publications And Reports: Water Efficiency Research Summary
22 August 2016

This document summarises the water efficiency research, and other research complementary to water efficiency outcomes, that has...

Publications And Reports: Management of the ecological impacts of urban land and activities on waterways - Issues Paper: understanding the science
30 June 2016

This Melbourne Water report provides a summary of current and emerging science on the ecological impacts of urbanisation on waterways....

Guidelines And Strategy: Guidelines for stormwater harvesting on Melbourne Water drainage assets
16 February 2016

Stormwater has been identified as a relatively untapped water resource with potential to be utilised more productively to substitute...

Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

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990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

e.info@clearwater.asn.au w.www.clearwater.asn.au

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