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Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the last 2016 newsletter from the Clearwater team!

It's been an exciting year for the Clearwater Program; in particular with the new State Water Plan supporting the roll-out of Clearwater across Victoria. To deliver this extended capacity building program, Clearwater is welcoming a new Regional Program Coordinator: Charlotte Beresford. Charlotte brings over 10 years of experience in IWM and has already hit the ground running; assisting MAV in delivering a number of regional information sessions on the new Water Plan and DELWP's draft IWM Framework (available for comment).

As we shift our focus to the year ahead, we kick off 2017 with:

  • Water Drinks; don't miss a fun-filled evening of entertainment and networking as we host the first event for 2017
  • New IWM site tour to Melbourne Airport's award winning stormwater harvesting scheme
  • Introduction to WSUD Principles and Technologies training course; one of our most popular and in demand sessions, particularly for practitioners new to the sector.

More information on the launch of our Victoria-wide Program will be announced early next year - stay tuned!

The Clearwater team would like to wish you all a safe and happy festive season; we look forward to working with you in 2017!

training and events
Water Drinks
02 February 2017
Where: The Boatbuilders Yard

Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria are continuing their popular series of networking events for practitioners involved in stormwater...

Site Visit: Melbourne Airport Scheme
23 February 2017
Where: Melbourne Tullamarine Airport

Overview: Join Spiire, Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria to visit this award-winning infrastructure project. The Airport Drive...

Introduction to WSUD Principles and Technologies
14 March 2017
Where: University of Melbourne - Burnley Campus

Note: This course was previously called 'WSUD: Stormwater management principles & practices' Overview:   This...

Recipients announced for Clearwater sponsored International Water Centre's (IWC) Water Leadership Program Scholarships
30 November 2016

As part of the new Clearwater Regional IWM capacity building program, three full scholarships were offered to regional water sector...

Clearwater welcomes Charlotte Beresford as Program Coordinator for Regional Victoria
25 November 2016

We are excited to announce Charlotte Beresford as the new Clearwater Program Coordinator for Regional Victoria. Charlotte will...

Draft 'Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria' released for comment
24 November 2016

The Victorian Government has released the Draft Integrated Water Management Framework for Victoria for comment. This document...

Protecting the future of Port Phillip Bay
25 November 2016

The Government’s $10 million Port Phillip Bay Fund is now open and the draft Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management...

Help the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities develop new, tailored resources for you
09 November 2016

The CRC for Water Sensitive Cities is looking into developing new resources and is particulalry interested in the following questions: Which...

Guidelines And Strategy: Water for Victoria
19 October 2016

This state-wide water plan, launched by the Victorian Government on Wednesday 19 October 2016, provides a new framework to guide...

Publications And Reports: Regional Victoria Water Sector Needs Assessment (Summary)
12 September 2016

In September 2016, Clearwater undertook a series of targeted telephone surveys and interviews with regional stakeholders involved...

industry events
Introduction to Groundwater: Principles and Practices

08 August 2017

Rydges on Swanston


16 May 2017

International Convention Centre Sydney

2017 Stormwater Victoria Conference

03 May 2017

Cumberland Resort, Lorne, Victoria

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Conference

18 July 2017


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990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia | t.03 9679 7711

e.info@clearwater.asn.au | w.www.clearwater.asn.au

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Victoria State Government Melbourne Water