Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, Welcome to the last 2016 newsletter from the Clearwater team! It's been an exciting year for the Clearwater Program; in particular with the new State Water Plan supporting the roll-out of Clearwater across Victoria. To deliver this extended capacity building program, Clearwater is welcoming a new Regional Program Coordinator: Charlotte Beresford. Charlotte brings over 10 years of experience in IWM and has already hit the ground running; assisting MAV in delivering a number of regional information sessions on the new Water Plan and DELWP's draft IWM Framework (available for comment). As we shift our focus to the year ahead, we kick off 2017 with: - Water Drinks; don't miss a fun-filled evening of entertainment and networking as we host the first event for 2017
- New IWM site tour to Melbourne Airport's award winning stormwater harvesting scheme
- Introduction to WSUD Principles and Technologies training course; one of our most popular and in demand sessions, particularly for practitioners new to the sector.
More information on the launch of our Victoria-wide Program will be announced early next year - stay tuned! The Clearwater team would like to wish you all a safe and happy festive season; we look forward to working with you in 2017! 