Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to this 'bumper' edition from the Clearwater team.

We highlight a number of key initiatives released this month by the Victorian Government. Melbourne Water begins the review process to update the Constructed Wetlands Guidelines as well as launches Round 2 of the Living Rivers Fund for Local Government.

Two upcoming events we are delivering on Tuesday 17 June include the Bendigo workshop on Introducing the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide and our evening seminar delivered in partnership with AWA on Achieving Integrated Water Projects.

We feature an interesting article from abroad on Copenhagen's Green Plan and share a number of research projects completed and underway.

Do you have industry news or events to share? Contact Melissa Cordy.

training and events
Achieving Integrated Water Projects at the Local Level
17 June 2014
Where: Treasury Theatre

Overview: The final version of Plan Melbourne was released on 19 May 2014 by the Minister for Planning. What implications does...

Introducing the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Workshop
17 June 2014
Where: Coliban Water

Are you a developer, council or water corporation looking to incorporate whole-of-water-cycle management into your new residential...

Economic regulation review of the Victorian water sector - open for feedback
02 June 2014

As part of the Victorian Government's Fairer Water Bills initiative, a review of the economic regulation, governance and efficient...

Living Rivers Fund - Round 2 open
02 June 2014

Round 2 of the Living Rivers program is now open. The Fund will provide $6 million over the next two years to local government...

Constructed Wetlands Design Manual Review - open for feedback
30 May 2014

Melbourne Water is updating the current Constructed Wetlands Guidelines and is seeking your feedback. The design manual aims...

28 May 2014

The Victorian Government’s final Plan Melbourne, was recently released, and together with the regional growth plans...

Article from abroad: Copenhagen's Green Plan
02 June 2014

Copenhagen faces challenges from a growing population and pressure on green urban areas in addition to those caused by climate...

National Water Commission to cease operations
26 May 2014

The National Water Commission is responsible for driving national water reform under the National Water Initiative. The 2014-15...

Presentation highlights from 2014 Stormwater Victoria Conference
07 May 2014

Over 100 water professionals from a range of disciplines ventured to the outskirts of Ballarat to attend this year's 2014 Stormwater...

Publications And Report: Implementing Integrating Water Cycle Management: Facilitating connections to build organisational capacity in councils
10 March 2014

This paper was presented at the 2014 Oz Water Conference. It focusses on the process and learnings from Clearwater's in-house...

Publications And Report: Planning for a cooler future: green infrastructure to reduce urban heat
09 October 2013

This guide synthesises research from the Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation (VCCCAR) funded project Responding to...

Smart Water Fund Project: Evaluating Demand Modelling Alternatives
31 December 2013

Project Overview:Water authorities produce water demand projections for a range of purposes and time frames, such as assisting...

Smart Water Fund Project: Cross Connections Projects
31 December 2014

The Challenge:With the introduction of dual-reticulation schemes in Australia, the risk of cross-connections between the recycled...

industry events
Green Star - Communities Guide for Local Government Workshop

25 June 2014


2014 Water Sensitive Cities Winter School

30 June 2014

Monash University - Clayton

VicWater Annual Conference

11 September 2014

The Langham, Melbourne

Stormwater 2014 - 3rd National Conference on Urban Water Management

13 October 2014

Hilton Adelaide Hotel, South Australia

Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

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