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Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

We are excited to announce details of our second partnership event with Stormwater Victoria WSUD Asset Management - Defining the Problem. This interactive workshop will focus on problem definition, a critical first step to the problem solving process. Places are limited so make sure you register early to secure your place.

A key strategic piece of work underway by the Clearwater team is our Program wide market research project. As a member of the Clearwater community, your opinion is what matters the most. Over the coming weeks, we will be asking for your feedback on our Program as well as you and your organisations' IWM needs to ensure we offer you the most relevant services now and into the future.

The Victorian Government have made several announcements over the past month and have engaged with all water boards to share their agenda. A major focus will be climate change and ensuring they have the best people with the right skills to deal with the environmental and economic challenges of the future. Expressions of interest for water corporation board appointments are now open.

A number of industry associations and organisations have provided submissions to the Senate Inquiry into Stormwater across Australia which closed last Friday. A final report is due to be released late June.

We share a number of industry events and resources including presentations from our last event, Delivering value in Integrated Water Management and feature new WSUD Design Guidelines from Auckland City Council.

training and events
WSUD Asset Management - Defining the Problem
04 June 2015
Where: Richmond Rowing Club

Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria are excited to present our second co-delivery for 2015. What kind of challenges do you face...

Maintenance of WSUD Assets Technical Training Packages

Clearwater’s in-house training provides organisations with an interactive learning experience. Our trainers are experts...

Water Corporation Board Appointments: expressions of interest now open
27 April 2015

Over the past month several announcements relating to the water industry were made by the Victorian Government. Lisa Neville,...

BOM Climate and Water Outlook
23 April 2015

The Bureau of Meteorology has released its latest climate and water outlook video. In the outlook Dr Andrew Watkins, Senior Climatologist...

Zero additional maintenance: ZAM-WSUD at Manningham City Council
21 April 2015

If you haven’t yet heard about the ZAM-WSUD project led by Simon Brink from Manningham City Council, here’s your chance...

Senate inquiry into stormwater resource in Australia
24 March 2015

On March 16 the Senator Nick Xenophon called for an inquiry into stormwater across Australia. In coming months the Senate Environment...

The challenges of climate change on urban water management to be tackled at the 2015 Stormwater Vic Conference
23 March 2015

If you are a leader in the stormwater industry, you need to be able to anticipate the future, taking into account changing climates...

Guidelines And Strategy: Water Sensitive Design for Stormwater
02 March 2015

Auckland City Council have released new guidelines entitled, Water Sensitive Design for Stormwater (also known as GD04)....

Papers And Presentations: Delivering value in integrated water management
26 February 2015

Over 70 participants from across local and state government, water authorities and the private sector gathered for practical and...

Guidelines And Strategy: Strategies for preparing a robust business case for a Water Sensitive City
09 December 2014

Water sensitive initiatives face several challenges that distinguish them from more traditional approaches to water management....

Smart Water Fund Projects: Survey of Savings and Conditions of Rainwater Tanks
31 December 2014

Project OverviewRainwater tanks are private assets that provide public benefits. However, poorly maintained rainwater tanks may...

industry events
Canopy: International perspectives and psychology on green roofs

06 May 2015


OzWater 2015

12 May 2015


Open Space Irrigation Performance Evaluation Course

13 May 2015

Royal Botanical Gardens

2nd Water Sensitive Cities Conference

07 September 2015


Inter-Water Australia 2015

07 October 2015

Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

9th International WSUD Conference and 3rd International Erosion Control

19 October 2015

Sydney, Australia

Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

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990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

e.info@clearwater.asn.au w.www.clearwater.asn.au

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