Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

Registrations are now open for Melbourne and Bendigo workshops on the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide - a new tool to help urban developers, consultants and planners incorporate whole-of-water-cycle management principles into new urban developments.

We continue to work with a number of councils to deliver our tailored maintenance training on WSUD streetscale assets, wetlands as well as stormwater harvesting. We recently reviewed the impact this training has had with organisations and the results have been really positive. Key findings of this review will be presented at the upcoming OzWater Conference.

Clearwater is excited to be working in partnership with the Office of Living Victoria (OLV) on the design of a whole-of-water-cycle management capacity building program for the Victorian water industry.

Lastly, we welcome Kim O'Hoy to the Clearwater team and farewell Amber Perry. Kim will replace Amber who has taken on a new role within Melbourne Water as the project manager for the development a new Environmental Management Plan for Port Phillip Bay and the Yarra River.

We hope you have a safe and happy Easter!

Clearwater team.

training and events
Introducing the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Workshop
14 May 2014
Where: Karstens Conference Rooms

Are you a developer, consultant, council or water corporation looking to incorporate whole of water cycle management into new...

Introducing the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Workshop
21 May 2014
Where: Bendigo: Venue to be advised

Are you a developer, council or water corporation looking to incorporate whole of water cycle management into your new residential...

Designing a whole-of-water-cycle management capacity building program for the Victorian water industry
16 April 2014

Clearwater is excited to be working with the Office of Living Victoria towards the development of a whole-of-water-cycle management...

Green Star Communities - Guide for Local Government
16 April 2014

The Green Star Communities Guide is a resource developed for local governments to encourage community development projects within...

Stormwater Victoria Conference Program news
14 April 2014

The 2014 Stormwater Victoria Conference Program features a number of interesting presentations from a range of industry sectors. One...

RMIT leading the way for a cleaner and greener future
07 April 2014

RMIT in Melbourne will invest $98 million in a massive sustainability project to boost the energy and water efficiency of 90 campus...

Toolkit: National Business Water Efficiency Benchmark (NBWeb)
09 October 2013

The National Business Water Efficiency Benchmark (NBWeb) Tool provides a standardised approach to measure business water...

Toolkit: Clause 56 Tool
25 October 2012

The Clause 56 Tool (C56 Tool) is an online interactive decision pathway designed to assist local planning authorities,...

industry events
Rainwater Forum - Facts and Myths (Dept of Health)

14 May 2014


Stormwater 2014 - 3rd National Conference on Urban Water Management

13 October 2014

Hilton Adelaide Hotel, South Australia

VicWater Annual Conference

11 September 2014

The Langham, Melbourne

Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

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