Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber, Welcome to our final update for 2014 from the Clearwater team. We are excited to announce two new partnership programs with the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) and Stormwater Victoria (SV). Our first event, delivered in collaboration with the CRCWSC and the City of Boroondara, tackles the impacts of a changing climate on local level water management. Thanks to your feedback we have made improvements to our resource library, including an advanced search by theme which makes finding the right resource more efficient. We have just launched our technical training packages for Maintenance of WSUD Assets. This effective training program continues to be in high demand and we already have bookings for 2015. Keeping on the topic, check out our new resource about targeted maintenance for streetscape WSUD assets shared by the City of Port Phillip. With the recent change in government, The Hon. Lisa Neville has been appointed to manage the Environment, Climate Change and Water portfolios. We hope to bring you more on what this means for the industry in the New Year. Lastly, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe festive season. Emily, Mel and Kat