11 April 2012
The Water Sensitive Cities 2012 tour group is about to embark on the overseas leg of their tour. Scheduled to leave at the beginning of May, the group will be visiting a number of innovative projects and organisations across Europe and Singapore.
The two week itinerary includes:
The study is looking forward to building connections with their international hosts and exchanging knowledge and experiences.
The Australian tour was undertaken as three separate full day visits in Sydney (February 2012), Adelaide (March 2012), and Melbourne (March 2012), with information gathered from Perth and SE Queensland, where tour participants saw innovative ideas and technologies being applied within Australia.
Clearwater will provide another update in our e-newsletter once the group has returned. Make sure you have subscribed.
About the 2012 Water Sensitive Cities Study Tour
The group comprises of 18 young water professionals, from 14 organisations across five states and aims to build a network of emerging leaders in Australian cities to positively influence the transition to a water sensitive future. This ‘action learning’ project will draw inspiration from overseas examples of sustainable cities and water management to influence practices within Australian.
The key objectives of this tour are to understand the drivers for integrated water management, the range of tools and mechanisms being used to achieve this, and to learn lessons from successfully implemented projects helping the transition of cities to being more water sensitive.
More information: Please contact Sam Innes, City of Port Phillip, on (03) 9209 6382 or sinnes@portphillip.vic.gov.au.