Urban Stormwater Management - new Obligations of managers of land or infrastructure


In May 2024, obligations relating to the management of urban stormwater were set for councils in the Obligations of managers of land or infrastructure (Urban stormwater management and On-site wastewater management) (the OMLI). The OMLI also contains obligations for councils and water corporations relating to on-site wastewater management.


Clause 5 of the OMLI continues the requirement from the now expired State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) for councils to develop stormwater management (or equivalent) plans. Specifically, it requires councils to:

  • Develop and publish a plan that identifies risks posed by stormwater and actions to address those risks, in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
  • Review and update the plan and report publicly on implementation at least every five years.


DEECA and the EPA have produced FAQs to help councils understand their urban stormwater management obligations under the OMLI and how to meet them, which you can read here.


DEECA has also developed information on the on-site wastewater management clauses including a webinar which you can view here.