New planting palette for Moreland's WSUD raingarden and tree pit design package

Moreland City Council have just released a new planting palette for their WSUD raingarden and tree pit design package.

WSUD design package
The package was developed and launched in 2013 to improve the standard and consistency of streetscape raingardens and tree pits being designed and constructed within Moreland. It sets out a design procedure for streetscape WSUD projects, and then focuses on the individual elements required to create functional and attractive designs. It defines options for each of the individual components that users can select to create a final design and produce a full specification.

The package is very useful for Councils, who can use it 'as is' or who may want to tailor sections of the document for their specific WSUD situations. It can also be of great assistance to consultants working for Councils and other organisations who are implementing WSUD. 

New planting palette - JULY 2015
The new planting palette builds upon the original version and now includes an additional six pages of suitable species for bioretention filter systems, a maintenance report for the vegetation, suggested groupings of species and an example of a landscape planting plan and plant schedule. 

It can be used as a stand-alone guide or as part of the WSUD design package. Download the new planting palette directly (PDF 1Mb).

The planting palette is also in line with the recent 2015 update of the Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems.

Visit the Moreland City Council website for more information about or to download the entire WSUD raingarden and tree pit design package.