09 March 2011
CSIRO is Australia’s national science agency undertaking research to help tackle many national social, economic and environmental challenges. Within CSIRO, the Water for a Healthy Country Flagship is working with governments, industries and communities to develop the knowledge needed to substantially improve the way we use and manage water. Currently, we are undertaking a survey on the topic of governance of rainwater tanks. This study is being funded by the Urban Water Security Research Alliance which has a geographical focus on South East Queensland.
By responding to this internet survey you will contribute to greater understanding of management and maintenance of household rainwater tanks. Whilst the survey was initially developed for South East Queensland where rainwater tanks are mandated for new buildings, we believe that the issues explored in the survey are in fact of national importance. Consequently, we are interested in views from all Australian states and we kindly ask you to help us and participate in our survey.
PLEASE NOTE: The survey has geographical references to South East Queensland. If your experience is not relevant to South East Queensland contexts, please fill in the survey with reference to your home state; i.e. if from Melbourne please respond to survey as if questions were asked about the Victorian context.
To participate in survey, please click the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Rainwatertank