"Drivers for delivery of good WSUD across Australia" webinar recording available

New WAter Ways Inc.

Did you miss the National WSUD Community of Practice's latest webinar, 'Drivers for delivery of good water sensitive urban design across Australia'? Do you need to revisit it?

The good news is that the recording of this online event is now available.

In a series of four presentations on 31st October 2024, an expert panel delved into what drives successful delivery of WSUD projects around Australia. Is it a strong, regulatory framework with well-defined outcomes or is it the result of the perseverance of a project champion or organisation, or a well-connected and active community? What can we learn from our colleagues in NSW, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria?

Shelley Shepherd from New WAter Ways guides the session through four speakers: 

• Craig Bush - A/Wianamatta Stormwater Lead, Sydney Water, NSW

• Mark Gibson  - President, Stormwater Queensland

• Brett Dunn – A/Regional Manager Peel, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, WA

• Jamie Tainton – Founder and Principal Engineer, Water Studio, Victoria