06 September 2022
Since the Victorian Environment Protection Act 2018 (the Amendment Act) came into effect on 1 July 2021 all businesses are required to take proactive steps to manage risks of harm from pollution and waste.
EPA has developed a range of useful guides to ensure construction activities eliminate or reduce the risk of harm to human health and the environment through good environmental practice.
The Civil construction, building and demolition guide (1834) outlines the responsibilities of construction and demolition industries in regards to hazardous waste, litter and sediment management at building sites. The EPA Urban stormwater management guidance (1739.1) highlights the risk to waterways and bays caused by the creation of sealed (impervious) surfaces.
A range of additional construction resources are available through the Build Aware Program . The program is a partnership between WorkSafe Victoria, Victorian Building Authority, Energy Safe Victoria, and Environment Protection Authority Victoria to support the construction and building sector understand it’s environmental responsibilities.
Local Government, developers and construction contractors should ensure they are familiar with these documents to meet GED duty to reduce risk and harm to Victorian Waterways.