Thursday 23rd Feb 2017 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Melbourne Tullamarine Airport
Registrations are now closed
Join Spiire, Clearwater and Stormwater Victoria to visit this national stormwater award-winning infrastructure project.
The Airport Drive Extension and Steele Creek North Stormwater Enhancement Project focusses on the key aspects of the water cycle that include: major drainage and flood management, stormwater quality management, waterway health management and alternative drinking water supplies.
The scheme has reduced Melbourne Airport’s overall water consumption and dramatically improved the water quality of the Steele Creek North catchment. Now fully operational, there are multiple recipients of the reused water including: cooling towers, the tri-generation plant, car-washing facilities, toilet flushing and the irrigation of Essendon Football Club.
Suitable for anyone involved in sustainable water planning, design, construction or asset maintenance, including consultants, developers, planners, architects, environment and maintenance staff.
Please note this is a single site visit rather than a tour to multiple locations. Participants will be responsible for organising their own travel to the site.
Monday, 20 February or 03 9679 7711