Thursday 14th Nov 2013 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Meeting point to be advised
Melbourne CBD, Victoria, 3000
Registrations are now closed
Join Clearwater and the City of Melbourne on this new tour which features an impressive variety of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Integrated Water Management (IWM) project sites throughout Docklands.
The City of Melbourne is one of the leading councils in the sustainable water planning and implementation, and has built expertise in innovative design, construction, community consultation and maintenance. Insights, successes and lessons learnt will be discussed at each of the sites. The tour will conclude with a networking lunch at a local restaurant.
Tour will include:
Suitable for anyone involved in sustainable water planning or asset maintenance, including developers, planners, architects, environment and maintenance staff. The tour is designed for practitioners with an existing knowledge of the principles of water sensitive urban design (WSUD).
Melissa Cordy 9679 7711 or