Wednesday 20th Sep 2017 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Aquarevo Discovery Centre
Boland Dr, Lyndhurst, Victoria, 3975
Registrations are now closed
Aquarevo is an innovative residential development in Lyndhurst, South East of Melbourne, created through a collaboration between South East Water and Villawood Properties. Located on the site of a decommissioned water purification plant, the development will incorporate a range of water and energy initiatives both within homes and connected across the site.
Aquarevo homes will utilise rainwater captured and stored at each property and treated to a standard suitable for supplying hot water to taps in the shower, bath, laundry trough and clothes washing machine. They will also be fitted with solar panels. South East Water’s OneBox® technology will manage water use within the homes and monitor energy consumption. Class A recycled water produced onsite and used in toilets, gardens and washing machines. Together, these initiatives are expected to reduce demand for drinking water by 70 percent and reduce stormwater runoff by 25 percent.
This is an opportunity to visit the Aquarevo Discovery Centre and hear about the research, planning and implementation underpinning this innovative development. You will learn about the leadership and collaborations that enabled the future of water-efficient communities to be created at Aquarevo. This event also incorporates a broader conversation about urban forests and mechanisms for implementing green infrastructure in urban developments.
Presenters will provide a range of perspectives covering technology, planning, leadership and collaboration and will include:
Terry Dalgleish, Group Manager Development, South East Water
Terry Dalgleish has over 30 years’ experience in the water industry working for Melbourne Water and South East Water. He has held management roles in Customer Service, Credit Management and Strategic Human Resources. More recently he has held the Group Manager role in Development, responsible for providing services to the development industry and in 2015 was the Group Manager, Capital Delivery, responsible for South East Water’s asset construction program.
In 2013, the concept of Aquarevo was created and Terry has been dedicated to the delivery of the development project. Aquarevo is a joint development with Villawood Properties that claims to be the be the most water and energy efficient urban development in Australia.
Ross Allen, Creative Director, Ross Allen Consulting (previously Project Leader, Adoption Pathways, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities)
Ross supports organisations to achieve better outcomes through more effective engagement and collaboration. He works with people who are transforming urban places, sustaining natural environments and enhancing community wellbeing. Ross helps organisations embrace complexity by connecting people and align initiatives.
Ross led the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities research synthesis project for Aquarevo in 2014 that brought together academic, industry and government expertise across urban planning and design, green infrastructure, and smart water systems to identify specific innovation opportunities for the development.
Meg Caffin, Urban Forester, Urban Forest Consulting
Meg works with local and state governments to better integrate urban greening and green infrastructure into our cities. Her work aims to streamline and prioritise current decision making to ensure future urban environments, and therefore communities, are healthy and resilient. She specialises in strategy, policy and spatial data analysis around urban forestry and urban heat island impacts. Meg's passion lies in using localised research to help build green infrastructure knowledge and capacity within a broader planning and policy context.
Meg is a member of Stormwater Australia and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects and sits on advisory panels and steering committees for urban greening projects across Australia.
Kim Markwell, Project Leader, Learning through demonstration and integration, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities
Kim is the project leader for the ‘Integration and Learning through Demonstration’ project with the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities. Kim has always been interested in the ‘nexus’ – the intersection between theory and practice, and her current work with the CRC explores that. Tasked with the development of case studies and demonstration projects that will support the adoption of water sensitive cities concepts, Kim is passionate about inspiring change in the mainstream.
Kim co-led the development and production of the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities Aquarevo Case Study with Celeste Morgan.
Ideal for anyone who is involved in the planning, design and/or maintenance of integrated water management projects.
Afternoon tea
14 September 2017 – places are limited
p: 9679 7711